15 Signs The Guy You’re Dating Isn’t The Woke Bae He Thinks He Is

So you thought you found the perfect partner, but are they really as woke as they seem? It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and pay attention to the red flags you may have missed. From subtle microaggressions to outright insensitivity, these signs can indicate a lack of awareness and empathy. Head over to this Irish wives dating site to learn about the 15 red flags that may signal your bae is not as woke as you thought. Don't settle for someone who doesn't respect and uplift all people.

So, you’ve been dating this guy for a while now, and he seems like the perfect catch. He’s intelligent, charming, and he seems to be all about social justice and equality. But is he really the woke bae he presents himself to be? Here are 15 signs that the guy you’re dating might not be as woke as he claims to be.

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1. He Only Talks About His Own Experiences

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One of the signs that the guy you’re dating might not be as woke as he claims to be is if he only talks about his own experiences. A truly woke bae would be interested in hearing about your experiences and perspectives, and would actively listen and engage in meaningful conversations about social issues.

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2. He Doesn’t Acknowledge His Privilege

Another sign to look out for is if he doesn’t acknowledge his privilege. A woke bae would be aware of his privilege and use it to amplify the voices of marginalized communities, rather than centering himself in conversations about social justice.

3. He Makes Offensive Jokes

A guy who claims to be woke but makes offensive jokes is definitely not as woke as he thinks he is. If he makes jokes that are racist, sexist, or homophobic, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t truly understand the impact of his words.

4. He Doesn’t Educate Himself

Being woke isn’t just about talking the talk – it’s also about walking the walk. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t take the time to educate himself about social issues and actively work to dismantle systems of oppression, he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

5. He Doesn’t Respect Your Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is an important aspect of being woke. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t respect your boundaries, whether they’re physical, emotional, or intellectual, it’s a sign that he doesn’t truly understand the importance of consent and autonomy.

6. He Doesn’t Stand Up Against Injustice

A woke bae would actively stand up against injustice and use his privilege to advocate for those who are marginalized. If the guy you’re dating stays silent in the face of injustice, it’s a clear sign that he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

7. He’s Defensive When Called Out

Being open to feedback and willing to learn and grow is an important aspect of being woke. If the guy you’re dating gets defensive when called out on problematic behavior, it’s a sign that he’s not truly committed to being an ally to marginalized communities.

8. He Tokenizes Marginalized People

Tokenizing marginalized people is a common sign of performative wokeness. If the guy you’re dating only surrounds himself with a diverse group of friends to appear woke, without actually engaging with their experiences and perspectives, he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

9. He Doesn’t Support Your Activism

A truly woke bae would support and uplift your activism, rather than dismiss it or try to diminish its importance. If the guy you’re dating isn’t supportive of your efforts to create change, it’s a sign that he doesn’t understand the importance of social justice.

10. He Doesn’t Challenge His Friends

If the guy you’re dating doesn’t challenge his friends when they say or do something problematic, it’s a sign that he’s not truly committed to being an ally. A woke bae would hold his friends accountable and work to educate them about social justice issues.

11. He Doesn’t Show Empathy

Empathy is a key component of being woke. If the guy you’re dating lacks empathy towards those who are marginalized, it’s a sign that he doesn’t truly understand the impact of systemic oppression.

12. He Doesn’t Acknowledge Intersectionality

Intersectionality is an important concept in social justice, and a woke bae would understand and acknowledge the intersectional nature of oppression. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t recognize the interconnectedness of different forms of oppression, he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

13. He Doesn’t Take Responsibility

Taking responsibility for one’s actions and the impact they have on others is a crucial aspect of being woke. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t take responsibility for his behavior and its impact, it’s a clear sign that he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

14. He Doesn’t Challenge His Own Biases

A woke bae would actively work to challenge his own biases and unlearn harmful beliefs and attitudes. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t show a willingness to examine and challenge his own biases, it’s a sign that he’s not truly committed to being an ally.

15. He Doesn’t Actively Work to Dismantle Oppression

Finally, the most telling sign that the guy you’re dating isn’t as woke as he claims to be is if he doesn’t actively work to dismantle systems of oppression. Being woke isn’t just about talking – it’s about taking meaningful action to create change.

In conclusion, being a woke bae isn’t just about appearances – it’s about actively working to create a more just and equitable world. If the guy you’re dating exhibits any of these signs, it’s a clear indication that he might not be as woke as he thinks he is. It’s important to have open and honest conversations about social justice and equality in your relationship, and to hold each other accountable in the journey towards true allyship and activism.